View Full Version : Rejecting the electricity increase

06-03-2009, 03:40 PM
The Santiago Chamber of Commerce, Association of Industries (AIREN) and Association of Traders and Industry (ACIS) have spoken out against the recent increase in power rates ordered by the Superintendence of Electricity. Residential rates are expected to go up 12% over the next two months, and commercial rates are rising 5% this month.
The Santiago business community complains that the increase comes at a time when the service is already one of the most expensive and inefficient in the world. Oliverio Espaillat of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce said that before increasing the rate the government should have re-engineered the operational structure of the sector in order to increase efficiency. Lina Garcia de Blasco of AIREN said that the measure threatens competitiveness, placing it in an even more disadvantaged position compared with to competitors in Central America and other countries in the world. She said that while the country continues to compete under conditions of high energy costs, three times those in China and seven times those in Brazil, local industry will not be able to compete globally, as reported in El Caribe.

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