View Full Version : It's just a cold

06-03-2009, 03:40 PM
Writing in today's Listin Diario, columnist Oscar Medina reminds readers that seasonal influenza kills 75,000 people every year around the world, mainly during winter. "In case you didn't know, AH1N1 is also a cold. It's just as contagious, with the same symptoms, the same fever, the same muscle pain, the same cough and the same nasal congestion, and it can be treated with the same remedies used for other colds". The difference, he explains, is that it is a new strain and so the public does not have the same immunity. He says that while all the media exposure has led to panic, the pharmaceutical industry is having the last laugh. Hoffmann-La Roche has made millions with its Tamiflu, as have sellers of masks, gloves and even disinfectant soaps. In the DR as in the rest of the world AH1N1 has been big business. Some pharmacies are selling medicine for inflated prices, some labs are offering fraudulent tests, and some clinics are not accepting medical insurance for cases related to these symptoms. "A great global and widespread scam over a cold. Because, yes, it is a cold. Regardless of its name in secret code or chemical formula!"

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#8)