View Full Version : Supreme Court fires judge

06-04-2009, 04:31 PM
On Wednesday the full body of the Supreme Court of Justice decided to fire the judge of the First Collegiate Tribunal of the judicial district of La Vega, Franklin Dario Rosario Abreu for "serious errors in the exercise of his functions". The SCJ ordered the decision to be notified to the Judicial Registry Department, to Attorney General Radhames Jimenez Pena and the judge involved.
Rosario Abreu said that he saw this coming because the sentence was written before the start of the disciplinary hearing. He said that the dismissal was the result of gossip between the other tribunal judges, adding that the decision was unjustified because he had always done his job.
In other resolutions, the SJC took away the notary privileges of three lawyers for incurring in serious breaches of conduct during the exercise of their functions. The measure affects Sandra Alina Montero, Belkis Montero Sierra and Juan Francisco Fondeur, after the national director of Land Registration, Wilson Gomez Ramirez, brought them up on disciplinary charges.
The tribunal ordered the decision to be transmitted to the Attorney General, the Dominican College of Notaries as well as the lawyers concerned. According to assistant prosecutor Idelfonso Reyes, the notaries violated articles 6,8,and 61 of Law 301.

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