View Full Version : COE warns of more rains

06-09-2009, 03:30 PM
The Emergency Operations Center (COE) is warning of increased flood risks due to a tropical wave that the National Meteorology Department (Onamet) says will affect the DR this week. Onamet is warning that the areas most affected by the heavy rains will be in the southwest, the border region and the central mountains. Between 40 mm and 70 mm of rains are forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday, and the humidity will make it feel hotter than usual for this time of the year. Onamet says that the tropical wave located over Puerto Rico and moving westwards at 20 kilometers per hour, will bring lots of light to moderate rains, especially to the northeast, southeast and the central mountains. Onamet added that they were watching a large area of low pressure currently located over Central America that is causing strong rains and electrical storms and that could head our way. This low-pressure area could come close to the Dominican Republic over the next 48-72 hours. They called upon the public to be on the alert for more bulletins.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#2)