View Full Version : 'Safe Barrio' residents complain of crime

06-09-2009, 03:30 PM
Residents of neighborhoods covered by the Democratic Safety Program, better known as the Barrio Seguro Program, are complaining that people cannot go out to work because criminals come from other areas and steal their cell phones, wallets, motorcycles and even their cars.
Nonetheless, they accept that drug sales that used to take place on every street corner and in broad daylight have fallen considerably, and have nearly been eradicated. Trader Juan Francisco Rodriguez from the Simon Bolivar neighborhood, believes that Barrio Seguro, "has failed," because only a few policemen are seen patrolling, and while he accepted that violence had decreased, he says that crime is still a problem for residents of these barrios.
In contrast, Lieutenant Colonel Bovanagas Pena stated that the program was active and that the National Police is fulfilling its task of preventive patrols, and has achieved a reduction in violence and crime. Community leader Abel Rojas complained that the media doesn't want to publish anything that happens in the Barrio Seguro sectors. Another local resident reminded reporters that on Friday a young man was killed in the area but nothing was reported in the papers.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#10)