View Full Version : ACC 2010 committee appointed

06-17-2009, 04:10 PM
The committee that will oversee the organization of the American Capital of Culture 2010 in Santo Domingo was appointed last week. Committee members are Culture Minister Jose Lantigua, Tourism Minister Francisco Javier Garcia, City Mayor Roberto Salcedo, PUCMM University Rector Monsignor Agripino Nunez and businessman Jose Luis Corripio. Also at the meeting that dealt with the initiative to lead the organization of the event were deputy ministers of Culture Lourdes Camilo and Alexander Santana, Jose Oviedo of the PUCMM, Deputy Minister Taty Olmos and the executive secretary of the Dominican UNESCO commission, Nikauli Vargas. The committee will now prepare a master plan for the event that will be presented to President Leonel Fernandez in the coming weeks.

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