View Full Version : Fernandez rejects Honduran coup

06-29-2009, 02:40 PM
Dominican President Leonel Fernandez has firmly condemned the coup d'etat that took place in Honduras over the weekend. "This coup represents a step backwards because it violates the charter of the Organization of American States (OAS)".
Fernandez is calling for Honduran President Manuel Zelaya Rosales to be reinstated as the legitimate president of Honduras. Fernandez said, "This coup affects us all, given that for 30 years the region has been experiencing a process of transition and democratic consolidation."
Joining Fernandez in his condemnation of the coup was former presidential candidate Miguel Vargas Maldonado. Vargas said that a coup was not the proper solution for conflicts that affect the country.
Over the weekend military forces detained Zelaya and put him on a plane to Costa Rica. The Honduran military was refusing to cooperate in organizing a referendum aimed at amending the country's constitution.

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