View Full Version : Constitutional Court

06-30-2009, 03:40 PM
A group of jurists describes the creation of a Constitutional Chamber as proposed in the constitutional reform submitted by President Fernandez as a priority that would consolidate the constitutional system, strengthen democracy, validate rights and freedoms and stabilize the adequate functioning of public institutions.
This stance is outlined in a letter sent to the National Revisory Assembly, signed by eminent jurists such as Eduardo Jorge Prats, Milton Ray Guevara, Alejando Moscoso Segarra, Franklyn Garcia Fermin, Victor Joaquin Castellanos Pizano and Rocina de Alvarado.
In a letter sent to the Constitutional Revisory Assembly, the jurists state:
"The first reason for all Constitutions is to establish limits to the exercise of power. The effectiveness of these limits is only possible with the existence of a Constitutional Watchdog provided with strength and specialization needed to guarantee the control of the activities of power to the Constitution. The signers of this letter, in our capacity as university professors and promoters of institutional reforms aimed at strengthening the Judicial Branch, send our fervent call to the National Assembly so that they take these points of view into consideration, convinced as we are that with this proposal the best interests of the country will be served".

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