View Full Version : SEE files complaint on exam fraud

06-30-2009, 03:40 PM
The Ministry of Education (SEE) has submitted a formal complaint to the District Attorney for San Cristobal against four people, including two ministry employees, who are accused of fraud using cell phones during the mid-level (High School) standardized national exam process. Minister Melanio Paredes was at the prosecutor's office in San Cristobal yesterday where restraining measures were placed on both the masterminds and perpetrators of the fraud.
According to Listin Diario, Paredes filed the complaint through the lawyers for the ministry's legal council. The accused face charges of violating Law 53-07 on Crimes and Hi-Tech Misdemeanors, as the fraud was committed using text messages and cell phones. The minister refused to give reporters the names of the individuals involved.
Paredes said that at least 217 students who took the Spanish Language exam were involved in the fraud as well as 618 in Math and 191 in Social Sciences.
Two of the accused are free on RD$50,000 bail and the other two have to report to the prosecutor's office every 30 days.

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