View Full Version : CDEEE, INDRHI scandals shake industry

06-30-2009, 03:40 PM
The Industrial Associations Federation (FAI) and the Herrera Association of Industrial Enterprises (AEIH) have demanded that the executive vice president of the Dominican Corporation of State-owned Electrical Enterprises (CDEEE), Radhames Segura, respond to all the accusations of nepotism, million-peso donations and juicy consultancy contracts revealed during an investigation by television journalist Nuria Piera.
According to El Nuevo Diario, the presidents of the industrial associations, Ignacio Mendez and Manuel Cabrera, warned that they would begin legal consultations to find out what actions can be taken by their institutions as civil actors to put an end to the sinful use of public funds.
They said that they will not only consider the case against the CDEEE but also the complaints about the National Institute for Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI), where, according to an investigation by journalist Alicia Ortega (El Informe), there have been huge payouts for projects that are still unfinished.
The industrial leaders said that when this type of corruption goes unheeded and unpunished, "it can put the state institution in danger."
At the same time they called on industrialists, politicians who care about a better nation, civil society organizations campaigning for respect for state institutionalism, and officials with a vocation for service to form a common front against such corruption.
They said that the cases of INDRHI and the CDEEE could be barely a hint of the corrupt structure that bad Dominicans have instated in government institutions.
The business leaders added that the apparent economic structure under which the CDEEE operates explains why Radhames Segura has always been a defender of state ownership of the electric sector and why he had torpedoed every attempt to privatize it and this is why he said that the experiment with private sector ownership failed. They described the revelations as "scandalous."
See www.nuria.com.do/casos.php (http://www.nuria.com.do/casos.php)

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