View Full Version : Pay raise at standstill

07-03-2009, 06:00 PM
Listening to government and business sector representatives one would think that a wage raise agreement would have been finalized by Thursday, but the standstill continues, despite several meetings with Labor Minister Max Puig.
The business sector has upped its offer from 12 to 15% of the minimum wage. The current labor law only obliges a review of the minimum wage every two years. But this has not been acceptable to labor negotiators.
Union leader Rafael Abreu wants a 22% wage increase for employees earning the minimum wage, an 18% increase for those who make between RD$7,360 and RD$15,000, a 14% increase for those who make between RD$15,000 and RD$21,000 and a 12% increase for those who make between RD$21,000 and RD$27,000.
Commenting on the issue, Vice President Rafael Alburquerque says that both sides need to come to some type of agreement soon because this has been under discussion since last year.

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