View Full Version : Finjus to government: "Do something"

07-03-2009, 06:00 PM
Two leading civic groups, the Foundation for Institutionalism and Justice (Finjus) and Participacion Ciudadana (PC) are asking the government to do something about the recently exposed nepotism scandals at the State-run Electricity Companies (CDEEE) and INDHRI. Government officials have said nothing in response to the accusations and CDEEE VP Radhames Segura, accused of nepotism, has defended his position, saying he had only 40 of the 8,000 employed in the organizations. Several newspaper reports have indicated the scandalous bloating of the CDEEE payroll. Payroll has been increasing while the service has increased in price and blackouts are back.
In separate statements, Finjus vice president Servio Tulio Castanos Guzman and PC director Javier Cabreja both urged the government to take action in response to the accusations. Castanos Guzman has called on the Chamber of Accounts as well as the Public Ministry and the Department for the Persecution of Administrative Corruption to avoid letting this opportunity to adopt stricter anti-corruption measures go by.
Cabreja says this is a clear example of ethics violations, corruption and nepotism. He also questioned the sincerity of the President's comments about his government's "zero tolerance" towards corruption.

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