View Full Version : Payrolls and government transparency

07-06-2009, 05:20 PM
A Dominican citizen has tested the transparency of government offices by requesting details of their payrolls. Allan Martinez's request comes on the heels of recent scandals about what appears to be a widespread practice whereby heads of department employ large numbers of relatives and friends, as exposed by investigative TV journalist Nuria Piera in several shows.
Hoy reports that Martinez requested details of the payrolls of 100 government departments, 50 sent them and a further 30 indicated where the payroll could be accessed online.
Hoy points out the irony of the situation where the Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation, headed by Jose Tomas Perez, who as senator for Santo Domingo drew up the Law of Free Access to Government Information, did not send in his payroll details as requested, nor did the Chamber of Deputies, where the bill was passed.
Martinez pointed to the coincidence that the departments headed by PRSC allies of the Fernandez administration were among those that did not send in their payroll details. He also singled out the Ministry of Foreign Relations, the Chamber of Accounts, the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources, the Dominican Municipal League, the National Housing Institute (BNV), and the Dominican Postal Institute (Inposdom) as failing to provide the requested information.

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