View Full Version : Eliminate the Pruebas Nacionales

07-07-2009, 01:50 PM
Writing in Hoy, Miguel A. Paredes suggests the elimination of the standardized National Tests.
The Ministry of Education obliges the exams for 8th and 12th grade students as a requisite for moving up to the next grade. They have been tested in language, social sciences, math and natural sciences since the 1990s. However, according to the writer, while the budget is RD$85.7 million, these exams have been traditionally plagued by fraud.
"However transparent they have tried to make the process, it has only served as a waste of money and to facilitate fraud. If the results of the national exams show reduced averages it is because the quality of teachers is below par and that is where the Ministry needs to use its innovations, not on additional tests".
He makes the point that test averages have declined and the money would be better spent on training teachers. In 2004, the Spanish language test average score was 62.5, and in 2008 it had declined to 52.9. Math in 2004 average score was 58.8 and in 2008 it was 45.1. Natural Sciences average grade dropped from 54.0 in 2004 to 47.3 in 2008. Only the Social Sciences average improved, going from 57.2 in 2004 to 58.3 in 2008.
Education Minister Melanio Paredes, nevertheless, said the tests would continue.

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