View Full Version : Dario Contreras measures violence

07-07-2009, 01:50 PM
So far this year emergency cases due to violence are up at the Dario Contreras Hospital, compared to the same period last year. While the overall death rate has climbed, ironically, the death rate from violent cases is down 0.24%. The Dario Contreras is the nation's most important and oldest orthopedic and trauma center.
Injuries from fights with knives or machetes, firearms, motorcycle accidents, baseball bats, stones, baseballs, beatings or spankings, and different aggressions all increased according to the Statistics Department of the hospital.
Emergency Room physicians attended 27,084 patients in the first 6 months of the year. In 2008 the figure was 21,524, so this year represents a 25.83% increase over last.
The ER received 4,120 cases of violence during the first half of the year, and 64 persons died. Last year, the ER receives 3,588 cases with 82 deaths.
Motorcycle accident victims continue on the rise. So far in 2009, there have been 4,668 cases taken to "The Dario." Last year the number was 4,524. Many more men were hurt in motorcycle accidents than women, but still there were 776 women taken to the hospital as a result of motorcycle accidents.

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