View Full Version : Limits placed on marlin and sailfish

07-09-2009, 03:30 PM
The Ministry of Environment has placed severe restrictions on the fishing of marlin and sailfish within the area off the southeast shoreline of the DR. According to Hoy newspaper, the measures are aimed at protecting the Blue Marlin, the White Marlin and the Sailfish. The ministry imposed the restriction for strictly sport fishing in the area from the mouth of the Nisibon River out to the 12-mile limit and then across to the imaginary line 90 degrees from Punta Espada.
The resolution was signed by Environment Minister Jaime David Fernandez Mirabal and prohibits taking on board, catching, killing and selling these species. The resolution also bans the capture of Marlin and Sailfish using hooks, clubs or any method that does not use natural baits on a round hook or with artificial baits using a "J" hook (with no barb). The announcement stresses that any fish caught has to be released in the same place in the least possible time, without harming the fish.

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