View Full Version : UNDP takes on Los Haitises case

07-10-2009, 04:10 PM
The United Nations Development Program office in Santo Domingo has accepted a request from the Ministry of Environment (Semarena) to carry out a technical evaluation of the concession process by which an environmental license was granted to the Dominican Mining Consortium for the installation of a cement factory on the edge of Los Haitises National Park and an assessment of the feasibility and advisability of the installation of the cement plant. President Leonel Fernandez, a supporter of building the cement plant in that location, recently announced that recommendations would be sought from the United Nations Environmental Program in order to resolve the dispute over the location.
The Ministry of Environment issued Environmental License 057-069 for the cement plant, but this has been disputed by Chamber of Deputies the Environmental Commission, the Academy of Sciences, leading environmental groups and officers within the Ministry of Environment itself.

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