View Full Version : 34 groups protest impunity

07-13-2009, 06:00 PM
34 civic and business groups joined on Sunday in a general protest calling for a stop to corruption and alerting to the moral decline of government institutions and political parties. They warned the rising corruption would lead the DR to be a failed society. They criticized the rising inefficiency, corruption, nepotism, political vandalism and permisiveness in government and the political parties.
"Cases such as the CDEEE, the PRA, the INDRHI, the OTTT, Public Works and the National Lottery are barely the tip of corruptions that bad Dominicans have allowed to increasingly permeate government," say the groups.
The groups protested corruption has been maintained, government after government, spurred on by the permisiveness of the authorities and with the tolerance of society that has not imposed moral censureship.
Signing are the Association of Industries of Herrera, Civic Participation, Montalvo Center, the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE), among others.
Concurrently, Marisol Vicens, president of the Confederacion Patronal Dominicana (Copardom) that unites business groups, urged President Leonel Fernandez to go from talk to action, referring to the President's discourse on "zero tolerance to corruption."

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)