View Full Version : Ede-Este cost US$207.2 million

07-13-2009, 06:00 PM
To buy back the power distribution company, Ede-Este, the Fernandez administration took on US$180.7 million in debt - US$157 to generators and US$23.7 million to suppliers. The deal also involved a US$26.5 million disbursement to Trust Capital of the West (TCW) for their 50% private participation in the power distribution company that handled a third of billings in the country. This brings the buy-back cost to US$207.2 million, as reported in El Dia. El Dia reports that as of 31 December 2008, the Ede-Este had a current debt of US$848 million. With the purchase of Ede-Este, the Fernandez government is now the sole proprietor of distribution companies in the DR.

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