View Full Version : Segura travels, DR gets blackouts

07-15-2009, 03:21 PM
Controversial Executive Vice President of the Dominican State-run Electricity Companies (CDEEE) Radhames Segura traveled to the Middle East to accompany President Leonel Fernandez, while on the home front 12-hour+ blackouts are back. The blackouts follow two major increases in power rates levied on paying consumers.
As reported in Hoy, the blackouts are the result of a 26% deficit in supply, as reported by Superintendence of Electricity. The blackouts are occurring due to long-standing arrears in paying agreed upon subsidies to generation companies.
According to the Superintendence of Electricity, average generation on Tuesday, 14 July was 1,342 MW while demand was 1,809 MW.
The CDEEE reported that the service would improve on Tuesday, when the AES Andres power plant in Boca Chica went online. Service was also affected in the metropolitan south area due to the shutdown of Itabo I.
Radhames Segura has been in the press after TV investigative journalist Nuria Piera revealed details of the bloated CDEEE payroll. Piera found that Segura had even included more than 40 members of his own family circle on the payroll, which is said to be 10 times larger than what would be needed to run the electricity department efficiently.

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