View Full Version : Juan Tomas Taveras Rodriguez case

07-15-2009, 03:21 PM
Interior & Police Minister Franklin Almeyda Rancier has overruled a 10-day arrest warrant for Police General Juan Tomas Taveras Rodriguez. Taveras had been ordered under arrest for publishing two articles in Clave Digital on security and defense in which he questioned the fact that the Armed Forces was taking on Police roles.
Earlier, Police Chief Major General Rafael Guillermo Guzman Fermin reached an agreement with Santo Domingo district prosecutor Alejandor Moscoso Segarra to close the legal case in which the military requested a habeas corpus in an ordinary court. Moscoso sided with Guzman Fermin saying that the General must complete his sentence and that it wasn't a judiciary sentence, rather a matter of police justice.
With his release, nevertheless, the legal procedures in civilian court are being dropped, and the case could now go before the Police Court where he could be tried for matters of discipline and faults that Guzman Fermin had deemed serious, as reported in Clave Digital.
As reported in El Caribe, he could be subject to maximum arrest for 30 days, suspension from his post, demotion and definite suspension from the force.
Taveras Rodriguez is accused of violating Law 96-04, Letter C of Art. 65 that penalizes Police officers who disobey orders from their superiors.
The president of the National Commission of Human Rights (CNDH), Manuel Maria Mercedes, says that the arrest was in violation of the constitutional right of freedom of expression. General Jose Tomas Taveras himself had appealed to justice on the grounds of his arrest representing a violation of Article 25 of the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights.
The articles on the military and the police were published on 22 and 29 June 2009.
General Taveras Rodriguez is a graduate in communications and journalism. He writes regularly for the Justicia y Bien Comun (Justice and the Common Good) column in the online news service Clave Digital.
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