View Full Version : Countries affected by costlier visas

07-16-2009, 04:00 PM
Tourists coming from Cuba, Colombia, China and Haiti have been affected by the increase in the cost of visas since 16 June. Arturo Villanueva, executive vice president of the National Hotels & Restaurant Association, criticized the Ministry of Foreign Relations' decision to increase visa costs from US$40 to US$70. Axel Wittkop, speaking for the Ministry, said that Colombians make on average 600 requests for travel to the DR. He explained Cubans request visas for family reunification, and Chinese can already travel here with a tourist card. He did not specify the number of Haitians requesting visas for the DR.
As reported in Listin Diario, Wittkop said that the DR allows visa-free travel to citizens and residents of 148 countries. Most travelers to the DR from the US, Canada and European countries do not need visas.

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