View Full Version : EUR9.2 million to Plan Sierra

07-16-2009, 04:00 PM
The Ministry of Hacienda and the French Cooperation Agency have signed an agreement for 9.2 million euros, equivalent to approximately US$13 million, which will be used to preserve the environment in the area covered by the Sierra forestry plan.
Minister of Hacienda Vicente Bengoa and French ambassador to the Dominican Republic Roland Dubertrand and the agency representative in the country Jean-Marc Liger signed the loan agreement on Wednesday. Bengoa said that the money would be used for the second phase of Plan Sierra.
The signing ceremony was attended by the president of the board of directors of Plan Sierra, Alejandro Grullon. The banker said that the cooperation from the French agency was deeply appreciated and would be well used by the Plan Sierra as part of the program to preserve the environment in the communities that are part of the not-for-profit organization's area of influence.
Plan Sierra has been in operation for more than 30 years.
The French ambassador and the agency representative said that France was always interested in cooperating in projects that helped the environment, or water resources and natural resources.

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