View Full Version : A job-related assault to DGA officer

07-17-2009, 04:40 PM
Customs department spokesman Abinader Fortunato told El Caribe newspaper of the department's concerns following the shooting of former deputy director of the DGA, Luis Manuel Sanchez Diaz. He said that Sanchez Diaz was behind the discovery of a large number of fraud cases over the last few years and many of those deemed responsible have been prosecuted. "That is why this crime has to be thoroughly investigated to find whoever is responsible."
Yesterday, Sanchez Diaz told the press that he suspected that "affected interests" were behind Wednesday evening's attack. He escaped unscathed, but his driver, who suffered multiple bullet wounds, was killed in the attack.
Sanchez Diaz's SUV Toyota Land Cruiser has 8 bullet holes, while 23 bullets were found at the scene of the crime, outside Sanchez Diaz's house in Santo Domingo's Evaristo Morales neighborhood. Armed Forces Minister Pedro Rafael Pena Antonio described the raid as a challenge to the authorities, as reported in El Caribe. Reportedly, the two assailants were riding a motorcycle, which they used to make their getaway.

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