View Full Version : DR still a stop point for drugs

07-20-2009, 06:00 PM
The DR is still a transshipment point for drugs making their way from South America to the US and Europe. The US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) says that an estimated 200 tons of drugs pass through the region each year, with many of the drugs arriving on secret planes and boat shipments. Some of the drugs also pass through the DR's ports in containers that arrive in the DR legally. The DEA says it is pleased with the DR's efforts against drug trafficking, but that many of the drug shipments come in on flights that aren't regular, but continue arriving from Panama, Colombia and Venezuela.
The DEA says that drug traffickers are also using speedboats to evade capture and detection by officials.
According to El Caribe, the DEA is willing to double its efforts in the DR via the Merida Plan, which covers the DR, Haiti and the Central American nations, but this depends on congressional changes. The US Congress could cut back on drug enforcement funding due to the financial crisis, before the DEA agrees to double its help to fight drug trafficking in the Caribbean.
As part of its plan, the Obama administration will now fund US$100 million for the remainder of 2009, and will do the same for 2010.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#9)