View Full Version : Fernandez minimizes corruption

07-21-2009, 06:30 PM
President Leonel Fernandez says political aspirations are behind what he describes as a media campaign against Radhames Segura, who is in charge of electricity service in the DR. Leading business, religious and civic organizations have corroborated findings of TV investigative journalist Nuria Piera that the government-run electricity payrolls are bloated with family and relatives and political patronage, indicative of the lack of administrative efficiency at the CDEEE and other government-owned power companies in the DR. The findings are especially irritating at a time the government has instituted major rate increases and blackouts have returned with a vengeance.
Segura said in a press conference yesterday that the claims of corruption in his administration seek to discredit his management at the CDEEE.
He said that at the CDEEE there is not a single case of corruption, as reported in Hoy. He said those who believe differently should challenge him in court.
Referring to demands for the government to stop increasing corruption, President Fernandez has insisted his administration has instated controls, and said that the Ministry of Hacienda needs to enforce the procurement law.
In response to the generalized perception of rising corruption, the governmental Comission of Ethics and Fight Against Corruption and the School of Judges of the Prosecutor General Office said they would begin a program to educate government officers in ethics and morality. The Prosecutor General Office invited Dominicans in general to press charges for corruption in government to his office. And the government announced the creation of a special telephone line for calls denouncing corruption.
Servio Tulio Castanos Guzman, of the Foundation for Institutionality and Justice, called for a reingeniering of the Prosecutor General Office, considering the department has not been sufficiently proactive in prosecuting corruption, as reported in El Caribe. He spoke of a priority to rid the department of politics.

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