View Full Version : A drug-fighting plan, for what?

07-21-2009, 06:30 PM
Mabel Feliz Baez, director of the National Drug Council, criticized what she described as a lack of will and cooperation among government agencies that combat drug trafficking. As reported in El Caribe, she said that without a predefined direction, institutions such as the Navy and the Drug Control Department (DNCD) will not be able to show results. She said, "I am not seing an integral, coordinated fight amongst the agencies that deal with this problem. We have a National Drug Strategy, but everyone seems to be drafting a plan. For what? I don't know," she said.
Recently, the US Drug Enforcement Agency commented on the "many" non-regular flights that are able to fly in Dominican air and maritime space with drug shipments from Panama, Colombia and Venezuela. The DR continues to be a leading transshipment port for drug transport to Europe and the US.
"I am aware that it is necessary that governments [in the Caribbean] unify efforts against drug trafficking, because if the drug traffickers of the different countries can work together, then there is even more sense in governments working together," said Feliz. The DEA recently reported drug shipments are arriving in containers on merchant ships.

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