View Full Version : Preserving natural and cultural heritage

07-21-2009, 06:30 PM
The ministries of Culture (SEC) and Environment (SEMARENA) have signed a cooperation agreement to safeguard, protect and promote an awareness of cultural and natural heritage in the Dominican Republic. Culture Minister Jose Rafael Lantigua and Environment Minister Jaime David Fernandez Mirabal agreed to strengthen the mechanisms to safeguard and defend cultural and natural heritage.
They said that President Leonel Fernandez has insisted on multi-institutional and multi-sectorial collaboration for the preservation and conservation of natural and cultural heritage in protected areas and underwater, said Environment Minister Fernandez Mirabal.
Fernandez said that newconservation efforts will be directed to the La Isabela National Park in Puerto Plata, the new Parque Nacional Mirador del Oeste (off the Palace of Engombe in San Cristobal), the salvaging of the Captain Kidd Underwater Preserve and areas in Cabo Frances Viejo, Saona and La Caleta (Santo Domingo).
Also see http://www.dr1.com/travelnews/archive/2009/tnews072109.html for more info on the new findings at the Captain Kidd Preserve.

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