View Full Version : DR ranked high for trade procedures

07-22-2009, 03:00 PM
Andres Van der Horst Alvarez, director of the National Competitiveness Council, said that the World Economic Forum's newly released Global Enabling Trade Report 2009 index shows that the DR is neck and neck Panama as the region's leading nation in export process. He said the DR is ranked among the top 20 best in the world in this area.
The official said that the ranking places the Dominican Republic and Panama in 18th place among the world's nations with the fastest export process, and ahead of all Latin American nations in the category of Efficiency of Import-Export Procedures.
The DR ranked above average in time to import (18th in ranking and 10 score), time for export (18th ranking and 9 score), documents for export (42nd ranking and 6 score).
The DR also fared well in several indicators in the domestic and foreign market access. In complexity of tariffs 25 (score 6.7), variance of tariffs 35 or 7.9 score, and number of distinct tariffs 24, with a 7 score.
The country also performs well in availability and quality of transport infrastructure in the categories of transshipment connectivity index with 35 ranking, quality of air transport infrastructure 33rd.
Overall, the DR fared above average in efficiency of import-export procedures, with a 42 ranking and a 5.1 score. But when other components of the index are taken into account, the DR overall ranking is well below average. The Index compiles data on market access, border administration, transport and communications infrastructure and business environment.
The DR posts a very poor 99th ranking in regulatory environment and physical security components of the business environment category .
As a result of poor performance in most other categories, overall, the Dominican Republic is ranked 81st, with a score of 3.64 among 121 countries in the Global Enabling Trade 2009 Index published by the World Economic Forum.
This score and ranking compares to 4.96 for Chile (ranked 19th), 4.36 for Costa Rica (ranked 43rd), 4.18 for Uruguay (ranked 51st), 4.06 for Panama (ranked 53rd), 4 for El Salvador (ranked 56th), 3.97 for Guatemala (ranked 58th), 3.81 for Peru (ranked 65th), 3.80 for Honduras (ranked 66th), 3.74 for Mexico (ranked 74th), 3.71 for Nicaragua (ranked 77th) and 3.70 for Jamaica (ranked 79th), Colombia 3.61 (ranked 84th), Brazil 3.58 (ranked 87th), Bolivia 3.55 (ranked 88th), Argentina 3.46 (ranked 97th).
The Global Enabling Trade 2009 Report is published for the second time and covering 121 economies worldwide. The report presents a resource for dialogue and provides a yardstick of the extent to which economies have in place the necessary attributes for enabling trade and where improvements are most needed. The index has been revised since it was first published in 2008. The main changes concern the explicit inclusion of the export dimension in the index and the addition of an assessment of overall governance conditions to the business environment subindex.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#1)