View Full Version : Where to Meet Educated/Higher-Class Chicas in DR?

07-23-2009, 11:08 PM
Im thinking either SD or Santiago cause both have significant student populations. What's better SD or Santiago?

07-24-2009, 12:34 AM
Im thinking either SD or Santiago cause both have significant student populations. What's better SD or Santiago?

This post sounds like the one yesterday on DR1. Here are some of his answers and the replies from the DR1 members.

Originally Posted by remedy4
Best Area in DR to Meet Educated Women?

Who speak at least a little English. Im the kind of guy who can approach a girl in the street, cafe, anywhere without a problem. Im just wondering what's the best area in DR to meet educated women.

P.S. I have no idea what was wrong with my first post, hopefully this one will do better

What was wrong with your first post is that you wanted to find out the best area to meet and have sex with as many educated beautiful Dominican women as you can on your 3 week vacation.

You have no Spanish and no respectable educated Dominican woman will give you the time of day and let alone have sex with you. This post is no better as you have set your goals and they are not reasonable.

Go spend your vacation in Sosua where your goal is attainable Some of the ones he can meet in Sosua are beautiful and educated. Most if not all have attended and graduated from the "Universidad de la calle".

Originally Posted by remedy4
Who knows we may both fall in love and then options are unlimited. Dont be so cynical. Noone's talking about "using" anyone. Noone has to marry every person he or she dates. Dating is about finding the right person. And yes "that random gringo tourist who doesnt speak Spanish" may happen to be the prince charming on the white horse the esteemed educated Dominicana has been waiting for all her life.

HAHAHA you are a funny guy.

Originally Posted by remedy4
Anyway, I think Im gonna look up where the biggest universities in DR are and stay in that city. I will also find out where the college girls and higher-class girls hang out. And its a done deal! Thanks for your help everybody! Out. I dont have time to deal with cynicism and negativity.

When you going? Can I come and document how good a player you think you are? I can document you crashing and burning then going for a UBH.

It's the same poster as he always spells I'm as Im in all his posts.

If any of you ISOC members can help him out he'd appreciate it because all he got on DR1 was ridicule.

07-24-2009, 02:03 AM
Im thinking either SD or Santiago cause both have significant student populations. What's better SD or Santiago?
Maybe you have a distorted idea about Latin women in general. Educated and higher class Dominicanas are not looking for your kind (or mine). They socialize with educated-high class Dominicanos and if they are interested in finding a gringo, they just meet them at a high class club in New York or Miami.

If you want to know where to find uneducated, low class Dominicanas, give me a howl and I will help, or better yet, use the search function.

Do you think we waste our bullets shooting at birds at that high altitute? You can do that if you are "comparable", live there and have game; in between sessions with the lower kind!

Like they say in my country, "when you ask that kind of questions is because you don't have any idea of what you're taking about it!"

07-24-2009, 02:05 AM
Universidad de la calle...:rofl:

07-24-2009, 03:38 AM
Nice post, Maretti ...

It's the same poster as he always spells I'm as Im in all his posts.

... and nice detective work, Billy!

07-24-2009, 05:54 AM
Yes I saw his posts too, on DR1, and they answered him in the appropriate manner, I am now sure he will ask the same questions on all the whore boards.

This guy obviously is deluding himself. He should just admit he's a monger (no shame in that), and stop trying to dress himself up as anything different. As stated by Sir Weyland, Maretti post sums it up very well. This guy would do well to heed his advice.

And .......welcome to the board:p.

07-24-2009, 10:20 AM
Im thinking either SD or Santiago cause both have significant student populations. What's better SD or Santiago?

Pursuit I am a SDQ guy so I would say there is the better place but you are a whore monger lol so I don't think it will matter what the answer is unless you plan on opening up a school, providing a job, or getting hitched. :rofl::eek:

Still I say Santo Domingo and that is my final answer no life lines or phone a friends needed lol. Good Luck and welcome to the board :)

07-25-2009, 08:42 AM
Im thinking either SD or Santiago cause both have significant student populations. What's better SD or Santiago?

Short answer for me would be Santo Domingo.

You can hang out at any of the universities and their surrounding "colmadones" and meet tons of students with looks that will blow you away.

But you'll find that most like to do their hanging out in groups, and it's not very easy to get them away from their group. That's their protection.

There are also tons of college educated women, but, for the most part, the majority have jobs, many are single moms, and don't have time to be hanging out waiting for some joe blow to come along and sweep them off of their feet.

I run into dozens everyday. But I'm smart enough to leave the struggling moms and "good" girls alone. There are more than enough women that are willing to dedicate themselves to taking care of my "needs" for a few hours.

07-25-2009, 08:54 AM
Im thinking either SD or Santiago cause both have significant student populations. What's better SD or Santiago?

The real answer to that question is that you would need to move there, take up residency, open a business (and that don't mean a bar), make it very succesful, make lots of money, get in the news with a pic of you shaking the Presidents hand, be invited to State Dinners by the President...and then you might be able to score with a High Class Dominicana.

Otherwise your going to Sosua with the rest of us nitwits....:rolleyes:

07-25-2009, 10:32 AM
The real answer to that question is that you would need to move there, take up residency, open a business (and that don't mean a bar), make it very succesful, make lots of money, get in the news with a pic of you shaking the Presidents hand, be invited to State Dinners by the President...and then you might be able to score with a High Class Dominicana.

Otherwise your going to Sosua with the rest of us nitwits....:rolleyes:

Or meet some people that travel in those circles and wouldn't mind making some introductions, but as indicated all these things take time, and although not impossible, nothing I believe is impossible. In that you have a limited amount of time it may be better to concentrate on the road most travelled initially.

As far as introductions, don't underestimate those, it saves a lot of time, and the chica feels safe because someone else knows you and feels enough about you to make the intro.

07-25-2009, 01:21 PM
Or meet some people that travel in those circles and wouldn't mind making some introductions, but as indicated all these things take time, and although not impossible, nothing I believe is impossible. In that you have a limited amount of time it may be better to concentrate on the road most travelled initially.

As far as introductions, don't underestimate those, it saves a lot of time, and the chica feels safe because someone else knows you and feels enough about you to make the intro.

Great advice. If you aren't going to move there, this is the best way to meet the type of women you are looking for.

But even then, these types of folks usually have quite a bit going for them and aren't going to be too pressed to hang out with gringos. Some, especially the women, will actually be adverse to be seen hanging out alone with a gringo.

Bottom line, the weekend gringo monger has very little chance of scoring educated, higher class chicas.

07-25-2009, 01:42 PM
But you can always dream.....

07-25-2009, 01:58 PM
I would be interested to know why you would want to do so. I can think of some possible reasons but maybe they are not your reasons.

07-29-2009, 11:55 AM
Mr Happy's post about becoming established and meeting the president is not that far off. A girl has to deal with some stigmas if she is seen hanging out alone with a gringo. People assume she has a profit motive of some kind. An upper class family is not going to be happy with that.

07-29-2009, 12:12 PM
But if you happen to be another Affluent Latino :lol:;)

You may have a shot.:guns::shot: