View Full Version : Half measures for corruption?

07-27-2009, 05:40 PM
The Herrera Industries Association (AEIH) and the Federation of Industrial Associations (FAI) support the transparency pact with the private sector proposed by President Leonel Fernandez during last week's meeting with the press. However, they stress that they are not questioning the lack of laws and mechanisms for fighting corruption in government and for stimulating transparency in government.
As reported in Hoy, these organizations are vocal about the fact that there has been permissiveness by the government and a lack of will to penalize corruption. They urged President Fernandez to refrain from employing half-measures when handling government corruption.
Manuel Cabrera and Ignacio Mendez say that the country has the legal framework to counteract corruption, but the political will and a serious commitment by the state has been lacking when it comes to enforcing the law. They criticize the fact that several government officials make use of government funds as if it was money coming out of their own pockets.
"Let us hope that the latest words from the President will not be a simple box of good intentions and that they become reality, because there are enough reasons for that to happen," stated AIHD and FAI when outlining their position on President Fernandez's comments about corruption in his government. They urged the government to pass from theory to practice and oblige all government institutions to post information on the budget management, purchase operations and other transactions on the Internet so the general public can judge their performance.

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