View Full Version : Docs and nurses chained up

07-28-2009, 06:20 PM
A group of public hospital doctors and nurses chained themselves up at the Ministry of Labor yesterday as part of their ongoing campaign for better salaries and other benefits. Waldo Ariel Suero, the head of the Dominican Medical Association (CMD), led the group. Last night, police posted in the area did not allow any food to be brought to the demonstrators.
Suero told Hoy reporters Ubaldo Molina and C. Cabrera that he and his colleagues would stay chained up in the hall of the Ministry of Labor all night.
The health workers are demanding better salaries, more jobs in hospitals, an increase in the number of nurses and the payment of incentives for health professionals who work in the border region.
Two nurses had to be brought out from the protest area and one was taken to the Salvador B. Gautier Hospital in an ambulance, according to press reports.
Last night the area around the ministry was cordoned off by anti-riot squads, and no access was allowed to the protestors.
As Minister of Labor Max Puig left the building at around 2:15 in the afternoon, a clamor went up amongst the protestors and Puig greeted them and then left the building.
Speaking on the Huchi Lora afternoon talk show, Puig said that the doctors had made their point in achieving media coverage and should now leave the facility. He said the Ministry of Labor closes to the public at 2:30pm and was not a hotel for the protestors to stay over.

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