View Full Version : Indotel fines Codetel

07-28-2009, 06:20 PM
The board of directors of the Dominican Telecommunications Institute (Indotel) has ordered the Dominican Telephone Company (Codetel) to pay a fine for poor service. Indotel instructed Codetel to pay cell phone users who used prepaid plans the equivalent of 8.3% of the monthly consumption by the user. The resolution obliges the Codetel concession "to work out a bonus plan for the users of mobile telephone service contracted for under the prepaid scheme, for the degraded service in their GSM platform during the 19 to the 23 of May, 2008."
Codetel has to inform all the prepaid users the reasons that justify the application of the recharge of five minutes of airtime established in the resolution.
Codetel told reporters that it would file an appeal against the Indotel resolution before the proper authorities. The company points out that the resolution requires the bonus to be given to the users of prepaid cell phones for events that took place in 2008, when some of these customers made thousands of calls for free, without consuming their balance, which constituted the principal reason for the degraded service, due to the congestion that this created in the network.
Codetel assured reporters that they did apply a bonus for an amount equal to or more than this to the customers who were invoiced or as a portion of the monthly rent, and they communicated in writing the reason for the bonus on their invoices.

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