View Full Version : Guillermo Moreno on corruption

07-28-2009, 06:20 PM
Former presidential candidate Guillermo Moreno complains that government corruption has become horizontal, because all who aspire to elected office see the post as a lifeline for feeding their personal projects. "The entire political system and especially the party system is fed by corruption," he said on Monday. Moreno is notable for having tackled difficult cases during his time as state prosecutor.
Moreno believes that because government officers have been given carte-blanche to appropriate government funds and traffic in influence, the state prosecuting departments are held hostage by the Executive Branch and do not exercise their role of prosecuting corruption in government.
Moreno described the proposal for a transparency pact with the business sector as another initiative by President Leonel Fernandez to gain time and dilute a pressing situation. "We do not need more pacts, we just need to apply the law, laws that are already in place," he reiterated in an interview on Uno + Uno on Teleantillas, Channel 2.
He would like to see the imposition of a juridical figure that obliges government officials to justify the origin of their new fortunes.
Moreno described the President's recent meeting with the press as a smokescreen to distract the country. He insisted that the laws are already in place, but what has not existed is the will or the resolve to enforce them.

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