View Full Version : Doctors resume strikes

07-29-2009, 02:40 PM
After a break lasting several months, the Dominican Medical Association (CMD) has resumed striking to pressure the government to increase wages for public hospital staff. The CMD has gone on a three-day strike as of Wednesday at 6am.
Public Health Minister Bautista Rojas Gomez encouraged citizens to go to hospitals, saying service would continue as scheduled, while describing the strike as "criminal".
The strike follows a recent protest by president Waldo Ariel Suero and other members of the CMD, when a group of physicians chained themselves at the Ministry of Labor building in protest.
The CMD members were forcibly evicted and jailed in the early morning hours.
They have all since been released, but Suero said CMD protesters would continue appearing at all government offices on an ad-hoc basis until the authorities concede to their demands.

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