View Full Version : New figures on BC webpage

07-30-2009, 03:10 PM
Central Bank governor Hector Valdez Albizu has announced that as of 1 August the Central Bank website would provide new information that will provide a better understanding of the Dominican economy. According to Valdez, the bank's website will provide information on sector balances, analytical panoramas and new definitions on the monetary base and monetary aggregates.
These new statistics are part of the Harmonized Monetary and Financial Statistics (EMFA) package of information that will now appear on the bank's website.
Speaking for the Central Bank and for the Monetary Board, Valdez Albizu said that the new stats would include a new concept of the broader monetary base as well as new definitions of the M1 and M2 plus a new indicator that was not available before, the M3.
Valdez said that in order to ensure that no information is lost, the new statistics would co-exist with the more traditional figures on the website until users become accustomed to the new way of doing things. He added that another important feature is that the monthly series going back to 2001 have been put up so that researchers can use this data and statistical and econometric estimates.
He said that "beginning with the publication of the new monetary statistics, economists, analysts and students of the Dominican economy will have to speak of a 'before' and an 'after' since they will have an analytical tool that will allow then to have a better comprehension of the evolution of monetary and financial variables according to the IMF manual of monetary and financial statistics, and this will provide better prediction and forecasts in this area."

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