View Full Version : Defending sale of Refidomsa

07-30-2009, 03:10 PM
Secretary of the Presidency Cesar Pina Toribio has defended the sale of 49% of the shares of the Dominican Oil Refinery (Refidomsa) to the Venezuelan state-owned Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). Pina Toribio said that the Dominican state was sovereign and had chosen the Venezuelan petroleum company as its partner in Refidomsa. "The Dominican government does not object to the sale of the shares being examined by any international organization," he said, as reported in Listin Diario.
US Representative Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) argues that the sale might violate the DR-CAFTA trade agreement. In a letter to the State Department, she writes: "There's concern that this agreement could have long-term devastating effects on the Dominican Republic. Considering the President's (Hugo Chavez) disquieting history of interference in the region, I ask the Department of State to observe this situation and its lack of transparency."
The Dominican government purchases most of its fuel from Venezuela, under the PetroCaribe Agreement, which comes with soft credit.
Refidomsa has capacity to refine 34,000 barrels, according to Listin Diario. President Hugo Chavez was due to visit Santo Domingo on 30 June, but he cancelled that trip following the political coup in Honduras. The government has set a US$130 million purchase price for the 49% stake, to be paid in petroleum.

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