View Full Version : Pina Toribio defends government model

07-31-2009, 03:40 PM
"This economic model has taken the country to reach new economic growth records," said Secretary of the Presidency Cesar Pina Toribio, in response to the call made by National Business Council president Lisandro Macarrulla for a change to a sustainable economic and social model. As reported in Diario Libre, Pina Toribio said that there is the need to think how all can contribute so that the model produces the desired effects.
Addressing the AmCham luncheon on Wednesday, Macarrulla said: "We have come to believe that we can resolve everything with the money that comes from remittances, or from increasing the public debt, or attracting more capital. It would seem as if we do not need the productive sectors, rather just financing for consumption."
According to Hoy newspaper, the business leader also called for a change in the role of the state that seems to invest only when loans are available. He said this has "increased the public debt to unprecedented levels".

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