View Full Version : Traffic in Santo Domingo

07-31-2009, 03:40 PM
What we already know, for those who live in Great Santo Domingo, is that traffic is at best chaotic, but if there was ever any doubt, research by the international firm Samsung Networks has provided a study to prove this.
The study, ITS Optimize was financed by US$40,000 in funds from the Korea Information Technology Promotion Agency.
It focuses on the road network, access to main roads, lack of parking spaces, parking on both sides of streets, use of streets by street vendors, and sidewalks by small businesses, among other issues.
Samsung Networks chief team Shawn Park delivered the report to the Ground Transport director, Rafael Tobias Crespo. The company suggests that roads could be widened or new roads built.
Quoted in Listin Diario, Tobias says that 90% of the accidents that occur in the DR happen because of the human factor, and lack of respect to driving rules by drivers. He said the remaining 10% of accidents occur because of the condition of the vehicle and roads. Also a lack of education and an inability to follow the rules by drivers is also one of the major factors that contribute to this chaos.
The increased visibility of AMET and mega-road projects has done nothing to ease traffic problems.
Land Transport Technical Office (OTTT) director Angel Segura believes there are not enough roads in the city for the amount of cars. He said there are 2.3 million vehicles nationwide, of which 40% are concentrated in Santo Domingo. Half of the vehicles are motorcycles.
The government has a large bureaucracy dedicated to transport affairs. These are the Land Transport Office (OTTT), General Land Transport Department (DGTT), Metropolitan Bus Service (OMSA), Transport Reorganization Office (OPRET) and the Metropolitan Transport Authority (AMET), in addition to the National Police.

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