View Full Version : Minaya says sorry

07-31-2009, 03:40 PM
In another tough week for Dominicans in baseball, NY Mets Genral Manager Omar Minaya apologized to Mets beat writer Adam Rubin. The controversy started when Minaya made comments questioning Rubin's reporting on the firing of executive Tony Bernazard.
Minaya did not retract his statement, and only offered an apology, which Rubin accepted, saying Minaya was sincere in his remorse. "I should have never talked about those things that day. I should've never said those things and that's what I told Adam [Rubin] and I apologize."
ESPN reports "After announcing Bernazard's dismissal Monday, Minaya said Rubin had "lobbied" him and others in the front office, including Bernazard, for a job in player development.
Rubin denied he had asked Minaya for a job and insisted he had merely sought career advice.
Minaya said Thursday he let his emotions get to him and felt bad about his remarks.' 'I should have never talked about those things that day," he said. 'I should've never said those things and that's what I told Adam and I apologize.'"

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