View Full Version : Vincho on corruption

08-03-2009, 05:30 PM
Drug czar Vincho Castillo is asking all government officials tied to news reports re corruption in President Leonel Fernandez's government to resign their posts prior to 16 August. He added that this would make it easier for President Leonel Fernandez to name replacements.
Governments traditionally have announced changes on the date that marks another year for the administration.
Castillo added that Fernandez needs to make drastic changes in his administration. Castillo, quoted in Hoy, says that anytime a government official is involved in any case of corruption it is tantamount to a felony.
He also spoke on the general feeling that corruption has run a muck in the Fernandez administration. Castillo claims that the private business sector is an accomplice of the corrupt government officials in many business deals.
Castillo says he has spoken to President Leonel Fernandez about the rampant corruption in the administration. In his own defense, Fernandez has limited himself to describe laws and measures in place in his government to fight corruption.
A recent Gallup-Hoy poll indicates that 84% of potential voters perceive government leaders have acted with impunity towards corruption.

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