View Full Version : Business supports crime fight

08-04-2009, 05:50 PM
The business community grouped under the umbrella of the National Council of Business (CONEP) recognizes that there has been a positive change regarding citizen safety. Celso Marranzini, the president of the Business Council for Crime Prevention (CONAPREC) said that no country can grow and develop if security is lacking.
The most important thing in all of this is the institutional change that has been led by the chief of the National Police, Major General Rafael Guillermo Guzman Fermin, that all businessmen and the country recognize," said Marranzini, as reported in Diario Libre.
Meanwhile, Major General Guzman Fermin said the National Police is undergoing a process of institutional transformation that is strengthened by the Plan for Democratic Security that is sponsored by the President, Leonel Fernandez. In his two years at the head of the force, Guzman Fermin says he has discharged nearly 3,000 police, and the cleanup has carried away generals, colonels, majors, captains, "in fact, every rank." "The National Police we found two years ago was a demoralized and disoriented police force," he told reporters.

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