View Full Version : Sale to Venezuela violates DR-CAFTA

08-06-2009, 07:00 PM
The former coordinator for DR-CAFTA trade negotiations, Hugo Rivera Fernandez confirmed statements by US legislator Loretta Sanchez regarding the sale of the Dominican Petroleum Refinery to the Venezuelan state petroleum company.
Hugo Rivera Fernandez said that the sale of 49% of the Dominican government stock in Refidomsa to PDVSA of Venezuela clashes with the investment chapter of the agreement. He said that the agreement requires transparency in government investments and the Clause of Most Favored Nation obliges the government to restrain from offering a privilege to a country that is not a signatory of the agreement.
He said the investment chapter states that a signatory of the treaty cannot grant to third parties benefits that the signatories do not enjoy. He says this would be the case if the government goes ahead to sell the stock to the Venezuelan state company.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#5)