View Full Version : The most corrupt in government

08-06-2009, 07:00 PM
Dominicans perceive the most corrupt institutions in the DR are the political parties (52.5%), judiciary (49.8%), Police (44.6%), Congress 40.9%, Department for Control of Corruption in Government (DPCA) (40.9%) and the Presidency of the Republic (32.7%). The perception is that the least corrupt are the National Ethics Commission (19%), Department of Passports (18.7%), community associations (14.3%), Catholic Church (14.3%) and Christian churches (7.8%).
The findings are from the Study of the Perception of Corruption in Dominican Households, during which Gallup Dominicana polled 2,400 persons in June and July 2008 nationwide.
The Consulting Council (CC) civic group study was sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). CC is made up by the National Association of Young Entpreneurs (ANJE), the state university UASD, Casa de Zion, La Lucha civic group, and other organizations.
The poll also reveals that 73% of polled participants feel that government institutions responsible for combatting corruption are ineffective.
Corruption is perceived as the nation's fifth greatest problem. The leading problems are the economic crisis (82.9%), crime (80.5%), drug consumption (75.3%), unemployment (67.2%) and corruption (67.2%).
The poll indicated that in the DR corruption thrives because the opportunities for abuse of the law for personal benefit surpass the risks and costs of abiding the law.
As reported in the Listin Diario, 80% of Dominicans are not concern about the consequences of incurring in corruption, which is an indication of the weakness of government mechanisms and departments entrusted with the control, detection and penalizing of corruption.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)