View Full Version : Financing for education

08-07-2009, 07:40 PM
The InterAmerican Development Bank has offered the DR government US$100 million in loans that can be used to promote educational programs in the country. IDB local representative Manuel Labrado also announced yesterday that the IDB will be disbursing US$50 million next year to help the Ministry of Education build five new schools and improve others in the DR.
Labrado says the IDB already has two programs underway with the Ministry of education for US$870 million. These end in mid-2010.
Furthermore, the IDB announced it has delivered a donation of US$942,000 to the Fundacion APEC de Credito Educativo (Fundapec) for programs to train workers and enhance the student loans program. This project will be executed by the Multilateral Investment Fund (Fomin). Signing the agreement were Juan Francisco Puello Herrera, president of Fundapec and IDB representative Manuel Labrado.
This would be the second financing the IDB provides to Fundapec. In 1990 Fundapec received a loan or U$20 million and technical cooperation for US$1.4 million, which were used for their Program for the Strengthening of Technical Education.

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