View Full Version : Papi speaks

08-10-2009, 04:50 PM
Red Sox slugger David Ortiz says he yet does not know for what drug he tested positive and was included 104 players for substance steroid abuse in 2003. During a press conference before the Red Sox/Yankee matchup at Yankee Stadium on Saturday, Ortiz claimed that he ingested over the counter supplements that could have triggered a positive test result. He said that on many occasions companies send him and other players supplements to try, as a way to garner an endorsement. He said he was extremely careless in those days, with regards to supplements he might have consumed.
MLB Union General Michael Weiner joined on Ortiz at the press conference and explained that of the 104 players who are on that list 13 of them are not believed to have consumed steroids because the test results are inconclusive. Weiner said Ortiz could have been in fact one of those players.
Ortiz says that since the list came out and his name was on it he hasn't slept. He says he is going through all channels to prove his innocence.
In contrast to fellow players Alex Rodriguez and Manny Ramirez, Ortiz seemed contrite and honest in his answers and was viewed as very apologetic by fans and reporters. Rodriguez in his "admission" statement said much of nothing to fans and was even caught in a "lie" of sorts when statements made nearly a year early, about his innocence, were proven false. Ramirez on the other hand, who was suspended for 50 games earlier this season for his positive test in 2009, said nothing to the press, reiterating the fact that the issue was behind him and that he wanted to play baseball.

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