View Full Version : [DR1] Hard look at life sentences

06-19-2006, 03:10 PM
With differing opinions across the media, Dominican prelates have voiced their opinions, the Attorney General has spoken out and distinguished jurists have emitted their verdicts regarding the imposition of life sentences for serious offenses. Of course, much of this debate came as the result of the murder of young Vanessa Ramirez Fana at the hands of young criminals last week, which generated widespread public outrage. The head of the Dominican Council of Bishops, Ramon Benito de la Rosa y Carpio, the Archbishop of Santiago de los Caballeros, declared that he was in favor of life sentences for criminals such as the killers of the young medical student, and the Cardinal Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez agreed on the need for such stiff sentences. However, the Papal Nuncio, Timothy Broglio, was not so sure. As a result, the newspapers pounced on this apparent disagreement within the church hierarchy. In reaction, the secretary of the Council of Bishops, Monsignor Benito Angeles, was forced to tell the press that each bishop had expressed his personal opinion and that these differences did not represent any controversy within the hierarchy but rather they were opinions that were "inclusive" of other ideas.

Others dispute the measure, indicating that life sentences would not be a greater detriment to the committing of crime than the present 30 years sentence.

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