View Full Version : Government, the entrepreneur?

08-13-2009, 06:20 PM
Business lawyer Marisol Vicens Bello questions Art 197 of the new Constitution draft approved by the Constitutional Revisory Assembly in its first reading that would ease the way for government to take on a more active business role rather than a regulatory one.
She says the Art 197 reads: "The State will guarantee economic pluralism based on the coexistence of several forms of property ownership and business. Under the principle of subsidiarism, the state can by its own right or in association with the private sector be active in business to provide public services, or to ensure access to basic goods and services to the population and to stimulate the local economy."
Vicens says that the insistence by ruling party legislators in keeping to this wording is wrong. She says what is needed is that the state be a strong and efficient regulator, that ensures the fulfillment of the law that may in turn facilitate development. She says the business sector wants the article changed to read: "The State guarantees freedom of doing business, and will create the necessary public policies to stimulate national development."
She questions the government insistence in incorporating into the Constitution the role of the state as an entrepreneur. She says this is consecrated further in Art. 198 that speaks of "public and private business activities."

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