View Full Version : Tragedy on Samana Highway

08-24-2009, 04:30 PM
The cries of Juan Payano are heard outside the waiting room of the small health center in Monte Plata. He cannot overcome the reality of the death of his wife Atalia Frias Alcala, 60, who died yesterday afternoon one of 7 victims and 19 were injured in a fatal road accident. The deaths happened when the bus they were travelling in, slid and overturned at Kilometer 55 of the Santo Domingo-Samana highway. According to one of the injured, as reported in the Listin Diario newspaper, the bus was traveling quite fast and several women yelled at the driver to slow down.
The injured were taken to hospitals in East Santo Domingo and Sabana Grande de Boya.
Lieutenant Colonel Gondrez Santana of the Fire Department in Monte Plata said the accident happened around 3:30pm when a tire was punctured as the bus slid in the rain. This caused the bus, a Toyota Coaster, to go out of control and roll over on its right side when approaching the Batey Sabana Larga.
Several of the victims lived in Samana.

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