View Full Version : Exports fall 16% in first half

08-28-2009, 02:10 PM
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) reported that for the first half of the year, Dominican exports fell 16% compared to 2008. Last year, according to the ECLAC website, the decline in DR exports was just 3% for the first half, at the start of the present financial crisis.
Regarding imports, the indications are that in the first semester of 2009, there has been a 43.4% overall decrease. Imports declined from a 18.4% increase for the period in 2008, to a 25% decrease for the same period.
ECLAC reported that intra-regional exports also declined. They pegged this decrease at 33%.
The ECLAC says there is financing available for exports throughout the region, and tariff reductions are in effect. The report also indicates that the financial crisis has affected developed nations more than countries in Central America and the Caribbean.

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